Grief and Loss Anonymous
At this meeting we use chips to celebrate periods of continuous sobriety from Grief and Loss Addiction. Would anyone like a white chip as a commitment to sobriety for the next 24 hours?
Is anyone celebrating a sobriety anniversary or counting days?
Finally, we again ask, is there anyone who would like a white chip to commit to 24 hours of sobriety?
Congratulations to all who've received chips and are celebrating sobriety.
Thank you for letting me be of service.
[NOTE: Virtual chips are available at GriefAndLossAnonymous.org. These chips can be shown and can also be downloaded. If someone receiving a chip would like a downloaded one, they can download it for themselves by “right clicking” on the image or the Chip Giver can download it and give it to them in chat at the meeting’s end when chat is open.]