Sample Online Meeting Format (60-minute meeting)
Grief and Loss Anonymous
Welcome to Grief and Loss Anonymous. My name is ______ and I am recovering from grief and loss. This is a closed meeting for those working on healing from grief and loss or are questioning if this program is right for them. For everyone’s security, we ask that you keep your camera on during the meeting. Please join me in the Serenity Prayer. “God…” Thank you. Please mute your devices.
May we have a volunteer read the Twelve Steps of G.L.A.?
May we have a volunteer read the Characteristics of Powerlessness over Grief and Loss?
G.L.A. is non-professional. It is not therapy and offers no treatment of any kind. It is not a social club. It is not a place for dating. If anyone approaches you in a manner that seems inappropriate, we encourage you to share this with another member.
Is this anyone's very first G.L.A. meeting ever?
[If so] Please identify yourself by your first name so we may welcome you. We now ask for someone working the steps with a sponsor to give a maximum 3-minute lead on the First Step, “We admitted we were powerless over our grief and loss, that our lives had become unmanageable.” Is there a volunteer? Do we have a timer? May we hear the time’s up sound?
If anyone is new to G.L.A., we suggest they attend at least six meetings before deciding if this program is right for them.
Is there anyone at this G.L.A. meeting for the first time?
[If so] Please identify yourself by first name only so we may welcome you.
[If newcomers or new to meeting] Will the newcomer greeters please identify themselves?
[If one or both are missing] Do we have a volunteer(s) to serve as greeter(s)? Our greeters are available after the meeting to answer any questions you may have.
Let's all introduce ourselves. My name is ______ and I am recovering from grief and loss.
Recognizing that recovery is a daily commitment, may we have a volunteer read today’s offering in HEALING HEARTS: Daily Meditations on Grief and Loss?
Our business meeting is the first week of each month and takes place here on Zoom twenty minutes before the general meeting. All are welcome, everyone’s voice is encouraged, and anyone in attendance may vote. Does anyone have any G.L.A. business or announcements?
It’s now time for virtual chips. May we have a volunteer to be today’s Chip Giver?
Are there any birthdays or other G.L.A.-related anniversaries?
In accordance with the Seventh Tradition, G.L.A. is supported entirely through our voluntary contributions. This money pays for our Zoom account, website, and other program expenses. The treasurer’s Venmo account will be noted in the chat. This meeting asks that you give $3. Otherwise, give what you can and keep coming back.
[If newcomers are present] Newcomers, please be our guest. We're just glad [G.L.A.d ] you're here.
[WEEK 1] – Today we are on Step ______ in the G.L.A. 12 & 12. Please read a paragraph or two and pass the reading. Will someone volunteer to start?
[WEEK 2, 4, 5] – Today we have a lead on… [see lead sheet]. Leads are limited to 15 minutes. [If a timer has not been noted earlier] Do we have a timer? May we hear the time’s up sound? The timer will signal the speaker when five minutes remain. Please help me welcome ______.
[WEEK 3] – Today we are on Tradition ______ in the G.L.A. 12 & 12. Please read a paragraph or two and pass the reading. Will someone volunteer to start?
This is the time of the meeting when we share. In sharing we focus on the reading or lead and get current in our G.L.A. recovery. We avoid crosstalk, which means we do not comment directly on another group member's comments and avoid abusive language. Anyone who is uncomfortable with another person’s share may raise their hand and the speaker is asked to respect this person’s discomfort. Shares are limited to [CHAIR’S DISCRETION] and a timer will let the speaker know when time is up.
[If a timer has not been noted earlier ] Do we have a timer? May we hear the time’s up sound?
We speak as the spirit moves us. The floor is now open for comments.
It's now 10 minutes before the meeting ends.
[If newcomers are present and have not shared] Are there any newcomers who wish to share for up to 3 minutes?
[If not everyone has shared] May I see a show of hands of those who wish to speak before we close the sharing in 5 minutes. Remaining shares are limited to [CHAIR’S DISCRETION].
[If everyone has shared] We have some time left before we close. Is there a motion to allow for more sharing before we close this additional sharing time in 5 minutes? [If there is] Is there a second? [If there is a second] We’ll now take a group conscience vote. All those in favor? Against? Abstaining?[Results announced.]
[If sharing continues] These last shares are limited to [CHAIR’S DISCRETION].
It’s now time to close the meeting. If you didn't get a chance to share and needed to, find someone to talk with after the meeting. Will members willing to be a temporary sponsor please raise your hand? If you’d like to add your name to the meeting phone list, please do so in chat. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of this program. Everything shared today is to remain confidential.
May I have a volunteer read the [ODD WEEKS] 12 Signs of Recovery / [EVEN WEEKS] the 12 Signs of Sobriety?
To close the meeting, please unmute your devices and join me in the long version of the Serenity Prayer.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Grant me patience for the changes that take time, an appreciation for all that I have, tolerance for those with different struggles, and the strength to get up and try again one day at a time.”
Anything in red refers to text available on the G.L.A. website